7 Easy Ways to Protect Your Skin Without Sunblock

7 Easy Ways to Protect Your Skin Without Sunblock

Summer is a wonderful season filled with lots of fun in the sun – weekend parties, barbecues and gatherings of all kinds. But what if your job requires you to spend several hours outside each and every day? Our ranch is located in the heat and humidity of...
Headache and treatment options

Headache and treatment options

Migraine headaches have been around forever. Recently a published report has shown the effectiveness of acupuncture for the treatment of chronic headaches, especially the migraine type. This research paper found that over a 12-month period, headache patients that...
Why You Should Always Have Coconut Oil In Your Home

Why You Should Always Have Coconut Oil In Your Home

In recent years, the humble coconut has skyrocketed from its lazy days as a poolside beverage infuser or curry improver to a leading superfood in the alternative health industry. Most people interested in natural health have a jar of the stuff in their kitchen or...
Struggling to lose weight?

Struggling to lose weight?

We all know being overweight is bad for us and that it is growing problem in today’s world. We are told eat less, move more, don’t eat carbs after 5pm, don’t eat carbs at all, count calories, count steps, eat only fruit and veg, eat only good fats, the list is...
5 Natural Alternatives Used as Allergen Immunotherapy

5 Natural Alternatives Used as Allergen Immunotherapy

Allergen immunotherapy generally refers to injections of the actual allergen to encourage immunity in the body to desensitize the allergic response. Natural remedies may also be beneficial as allergen immunotherapy alternatives. According to NatureMedClinic, allergen...
Spend Time With Nature to Shun Depression

Spend Time With Nature to Shun Depression

A 30-minute walk in the woods each week can help reduce depression and high blood pressure while enhancing mental health, a study at the University of Queensland has found. The findings showed that people who made long visits to green spaces had lower rates of...
Acupuncturists making their point on allergies

Acupuncturists making their point on allergies

Acupuncture is becoming an appealing option for a growing number of allergy sufferers. The treatment has been practised in China since before the advent of metal technology – when a small, pointed stone tool was used to press on the points rather than puncturing...