In IAM Physiotherapy

1065 Davis Drive, Suite 3
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2R9

A Beginner’s Guide to Homeopathy

A Beginner’s Guide to Homeopathy

#Have #you heard #of #homeopathy but never #really understood #how homeopathic remedies #work? While #it may come across as intimidatingly complex, this #natural health #practice #is #in fact based #on #a simple #healing principle: ‘#like #cures like.’ In other words,...
Acupuncture can curb menopausal hot flashes

Acupuncture can curb menopausal hot flashes

Acupuncture is found to be effective in reducing the number of hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause. Researchers have found that after six months of acupuncture treatment, women reported an average 36.7 per cent decline in the frequency of hot...
Allergy season for you?

Allergy season for you?

By Mary Lello Is your nose running? Are you having sneezing spasms? Are your eyes red and itchy and your throat feels like there’s something stuck in it? Allergy season. It’s late summer for some folks with the ragweed blooming, spring for others with the...
Headache and treatment options

Headache and treatment options

Migraine headaches have been around forever. Recently a published report has shown the effectiveness of acupuncture for the treatment of chronic headaches, especially the migraine type. This research paper found that over a 12-month period, headache patients that...
Struggling to lose weight?

Struggling to lose weight?

We all know being overweight is bad for us and that it is growing problem in today’s world. We are told eat less, move more, don’t eat carbs after 5pm, don’t eat carbs at all, count calories, count steps, eat only fruit and veg, eat only good fats, the list is...