In IAM Physiotherapy

1065 Davis Drive, Suite 3
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2R9

Overweight Dads Could Affect Daughter’s Health

Overweight Dads Could Affect Daughter’s Health

According to a study out of Georgetown University Medical Center and published in Scientific Reports, obese male mice and normal weight female mice produce female pups that are overweight at birth through childhood, and have delayed development of their breast tissue...
5 natural ways to deal with insomnia

5 natural ways to deal with insomnia

Are you sleeping well? If not, you could be suffering from too much stress. When you are stressed, your body produces chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline that over a prolonged period can cause symptoms such as sleep problems, depression, digestive problems,...
Why You Should Always Have Coconut Oil In Your Home

Why You Should Always Have Coconut Oil In Your Home

In recent years, the humble coconut has skyrocketed from its lazy days as a poolside beverage infuser or curry improver to a leading superfood in the alternative health industry. Most people interested in natural health have a jar of the stuff in their kitchen or...
Cognitive Impairment: Herbal Considerations

Cognitive Impairment: Herbal Considerations

Robin DiPasquale, ND, RH (AHG) The definition of cognitive function is an intellectual process by which one becomes aware of, perceives, or comprehends ideas. It involves all aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning, and remembering. Cognition includes the attention...