In IAM Physiotherapy

1065 Davis Drive, Suite 3
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2R9

Overweight Dads Could Affect Daughter’s Health

Overweight Dads Could Affect Daughter’s Health

According to a study out of Georgetown University Medical Center and published in Scientific Reports, obese male mice and normal weight female mice produce female pups that are overweight at birth through childhood, and have delayed development of their breast tissue...
How acupuncture changed my life

How acupuncture changed my life

It only takes a third of a second for Google to return over 11.2 million(!) results that espouse the benefits of acupuncture, but if you like your cyber chondria served with a personal anecdote on the side, step right this way. The ancient Chinese therapy, known...
5 Ways To Get Whiter Teeth In A Natural, Healthy Way

5 Ways To Get Whiter Teeth In A Natural, Healthy Way

Everyone wants whiter teeth, but there are risks involved in getting them bleached or whitened. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to keep your teeth white in natural ways — without wearing down your enamel or damaging your teeth or gums. Though most...
Natural health: Passing wind and cold sores

Natural health: Passing wind and cold sores

I seem to produce more wind than other people and it causes me pain if I try to hold it in. Are there any remedies to help relieve or minimize this problem? While flatulence is a completely normal process, it can certainly be uncomfortable or embarrassing if you are...