In IAM Physiotherapy

1065 Davis Drive, Suite 3
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2R9

There is an old saying that ‘the face is the mirror of the mind.’ However, when it comes to women, the face is also a mirror for their beauty.

Hair like the dark clouds

A woman’s hair is said to be as important as precious as that of her face. Therefore it is important that she takes care of her hair from an early age. Dandruff and hair-fall are two of the main concerns. The two are related. Dandruff can cause hair loss. It can be caused due to many reasons like fungal infection and skin dryness. Hair loss can be prevented by treating and curing dandruff. Medicines like sulphur, phosphorus and Thuja can be taken according to the patient’s characteristics. Also Badiaga tincture added to oil can be applied to the scalp and washed away after 10 minutes. Regular use of hair oils like Arnica and Jaborandi will help prevent dandruff and hair loss, in turn facilitating hair growth. Medicines produced from Katarvazha (Aloe Vera) are equally beneficial for skin and hair.

Points to note

► Avoid colouring your hair using chemicals, or straightening, curling etc as much as possible

► Do not use shampoo in excess

► It is better to use herbal shampoo than chemical shampoo

Pill and cream for pimples

Pimples appear on the faces of girls as well as boys with the onset of puberty. Medicines capable of creating disease-like symptoms in healthy body are used to treat pimples. Apart from symptoms the treatment also takes the patient’s individual characteristics into consideration. Several medicines like Pulsattila, Natrumor, Beriberis Aquifolium, Phosphorus, Sepia and Costicum are used depending on the symptoms of the diseases. Face creams containing Beriheri Aquifolium and Calendula are very beneficial.

Points to note

► People with oily skin should rinse face regularly in pure cold water. Gram flour is preferred to soap.

► Do not puncture the pimple with nail. This will enlarge the dark spots.

► Drink plenty of water.

Cure for dark spots around the eye

The skin around the eye is the thinnest compared to other parts of the body. The dark colour is due to the blood vessels in this area showing through the skin. This issue could be caused due to many reasons like- heredity, anaemia, allergy, and asthma, some medicines and exhaustion due to lack of sleep. The treatment emphasises on first treating the basic ailments like allergy, asthma and liver disorders. Medicines like Ars Alb, China, Lycopodium, Natrum Carb, Nux Vomica and Rhus Tox are used depending on the disease symptoms and the characteristics of the patient.

Points to note

► Drink plenty of water

► Sleep well. Practice proper sleep for 7 – 8 hours

► Check the haemoglobin level in the blood every 6 months

► Placing an ice pack on the eye will provide temporary relief

► Reduce intake of caffeine and sugar

► Quit smoking and drinking

Discolouration in the face

Colasma or Melasma is a discolouration commonly seen on a woman’s faces. This is often referred to as karimangalam. This is a more brownish sign than the surrounding skin. This is seen in the forehead, cheeks and upper lips. This is also seen in pregnant women and disappears a few months after the delivery. It will go away in people taking contraceptive pills as soon as they stop taking the pill. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Medicines like Arsenic Alb, Sepia, Sulphur, Colophylum and Lycopodium are used depending on the disease symptoms and the characteristics of the patient.

Moles and warts

Although moles appear in various parts of the body they are usually seen on the face. These shining, soft abscesses vary in size from 2 mm to 5 mm. There are wax-like substances inside the abscesses. Sometimes it is seen a little dented at the middle. Normally it goes away without treating. They have a tendency to recur. Medicines like Calceria Carb, Carcinocin, Saileeshia and Thuja can be used depending on the disease symptoms and the characteristics of the patient.

Wart is another infection caused by virus. Warts appear on the face and other parts of the body. This is caused by the human papilloma virus. There are various types of warts. Of these flat warts and filliform warts are the usual ones seen on the face. Wart is also contagious like other viral infections. Medicines like Thuja, Natrumore, Dalcamina and Costicum can be used.

Fungal infection on the face

Teenia is a fungal infection io the face. Since it appears in the form of a tiny round ring, it is also called ringworm infection. The fungal infection appearing on the face is called Teenia Faciala. It causes itching also. Medicines like Ars Alb, Basilinum, Tuberculinum, Tellurium and Sulphur can be used depending on the disease symptoms and the characteristics of the patient.