In IAM Physiotherapy

1065 Davis Drive, Suite 3
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2R9

Homeopathy – the undiluted facts

Homeopathy – the undiluted facts

#Homeopathy – the undiluted facts Click here to view original web page at #Does homeopathy #work? | Why #is #it so #popular? | #What #can it teach mainstream healthcare? | This #book presents the #evidence needed #to help people answer these questions...
Allergy season for you?

Allergy season for you?

By Mary Lello Is your nose running? Are you having sneezing spasms? Are your eyes red and itchy and your throat feels like there’s something stuck in it? Allergy season. It’s late summer for some folks with the ragweed blooming, spring for others with the...
Acupuncturists making their point on allergies

Acupuncturists making their point on allergies

Acupuncture is becoming an appealing option for a growing number of allergy sufferers. The treatment has been practised in China since before the advent of metal technology – when a small, pointed stone tool was used to press on the points rather than puncturing...
8 Secrets To Living Life Truly Present

8 Secrets To Living Life Truly Present

Rob B. Lowe is an Australian safety professional and life coach who offers tips and advice through his Maximum Life Club. According to Lowe many of us are living “fake present” which is cheating us of our full potential. He told me: I had created meaningful...